Winfree Academy

Winfree Academy Charter Schools

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Faces Of Winfree

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Meet Ms. Williamson, our CTE Educator at the Grand Prairie campus, and hear about connection with Winfree Learners.

Meet Dr. Stubblefield, our Principal at the Lewisville campus, and hear about why he enjoys working at Winfree Academy.

Meet Ms. Johnson, our Principal at the Grand Prairie campus, and hear about what why Winfree Academy's been her home for 18 years.

Meet Ms. Cox, our English Educator at the Richardson campus, and hear about how she and her fellow educators support Winfree Learners.

In 2023, Winfree Academy launched it's Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (drone) pilot program. Through this program, learners test with the FAA and become licensed commercial drone pilots. In addition to the certification and ability to earn income, the program has brought learners together in a special friend group. Thank you to Mr. Leathers and the learners at Winfree Academy Lewisville for soaring to new heights with the Drone Program. We look forward to our second cohort of learners testing this Fall at the Richardson campus and being able to expand this program to our other campuses soon.

"Public school is like the mall - everybody is talking about something, everybody is doing something, everybody is in their own world. I couldn't continue to give 100%." There were times that Tamoria confided in staff that she thought her life would be better. Through tears and support, she and staff made each other better. Tamoria learned at Winfree Dalla how to be a genuine leader and her personal definition of success. Tamoria, you've taken the first step into a new beginning. You can do anything you want to do!

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