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Aliveah: 2020 Lewisville Osprey Award Winner

Aliveah started an online school after the loss of her father. After she began to fall behind, she came to Winfree due to her sister’s positive experience. She quickly got to work, and completed courses rapidly. Shortly before the end of the school year, her brother passed away as well. Thankfully, Aliveah found the strength to power on and finish. Rather than give up, Aliveah chose to persevere and succeed instead.

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First in her family to graduate and go to college, Saila was determined to be successful. She exudes positivity and encourages others to compassionate. She drowned out distractors to focus on what she determined was important. This leader in the classroom is ready to be leader in her life. Way to go Saila!

Max went to multiple schools before she landed at Winfree. When she first arrived her anxiety took over, but then she realized Winfree was a safe place where she made friends, became comfortable with the educators and began to blossom!

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