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Winfree Academy Charter Schools

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Wyatt: 2019 Grand Prairie Osprey Award Winner

Wyatt came to Winfree as a 14-year-old who struggled to handle the traditional high school he was assigned to. During his 3rd year, at Winfree something "clicked" and Wyatt had his "light-bulb moment". His productivity sky-rocketed and he also became an active member of STUCO, leading and encouraging others around him. During his fourth year, Wyatt continued to excel in the classroom and managed to graduate while maintaining a full-time job. His perseverance and dedication make him the perfect example of an Osprey Award Recipient.

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Karla had so many absences at her previous school that she was going to have to go to summer school or repeat the year. So...she came to Winfree. At first Karla showed up to school, just for attendance, and slept in class. Staff took and individual interest in her and removed her excuses one-by-one. She's a great example of when life knocks you down, you dust yourself off and get back up. There's no end to the possibilities that she can accomplish. You did it Karla!

When Briea first came to Winfree she had a rocky start. It took her a minute to get going and making the decision that she could graduate. Once she put her mind to getting her high school diploma there was no stopping her.

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